10 native British aquatic plants for wildlife ponds

3rd January, 2022

If you're hoping to attract wildlife to your garden, a pond is a great place to start. Here are ten native British aquatic plants that will help turn your pond into a haven for wildlife. If you are planning to make a wildlife pond, ensure you have some of these plants added when you are finished making it. If you already have a pond and it is bare around the edges, and also in the water, then consider adding some of these plants. This will greatly increase the chances of amphibians, like frogs and newts using the pond, as they will provide shelter, and also increase the number of insects, which will provide a food source for them. They can also help attract birds, that will feed on the insects as well. Also, aquatic plants can help oxygenate ponds, keeping them clear and reduce green algae.

Common reed (Phragmites australis)

A key feature of many wetlands, common reed is an important food and shelter plant for a variety of animals. It also helps to purify water and prevent erosion.

Bulrush (Typha latifolia)

Another common wetland plant, bulrush provides food and shelter for a range of animals, including water voles, otters and dragonflies. It also helps to purify water.

Water violet (Hottonia palustris)

A pretty purple flower, water violet is also an important oxygenating plant, helping to keep your pond water healthy.

Water lily (Nymphaea alba)

A classic pond plant, water lilies not only look beautiful but their large leaves provide essential shade and shelter for fish and amphibians..

Marsh marigold (Caltha palustris)

A vibrant yellow flower, marsh marigold is a great addition to any pond. It provides food for pollinators and its leaves can be used as shelter by aquatic animals.

Arrowhead (Sagittaria sagittifolia)

An excellent oxygenating plant, arrowhead also provides food and shelter for a variety of pond creatures. Its arrow-shaped leaves give it its name.

Bogbean (Menyanthes trifoliata)

A key plant in wetland ecosystems, bogbean provides food and shelter for a range of animals. It also helps to purify water. It has white flowers, with pink tinged petals, during the summer months.

Branched bur-reed (Sparganium erectum)

A tall, elegant plant, branched bur-reed is an important food source for waterfowl. It also provides shelter for a variety of animals and helps to purify water.

Creeping Jenny (Lysimachia nummularia)

A fast-growing plant, creeping Jenny is perfect for covering the edges of your pond. It provides food and shelter for a variety of animals and helps to keep your pond water clean. It likes shaded areas, and between May and August it has yellow, bell-shaped flowers.

Yellow flag iris (Iris pseudacorus)

A beautiful yellow flower, yellow flag iris is also an important oxygenating plant. It provides food and shelter for a range of animals and helps to purify water.


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Top image: Yellow flag iris / AnRo0002 - Wikimedia

2nd image: Marsh marigold / Jasper33 - Wikimedia