How to grow tomatoes

8th March, 2022

Growing your own fresh, juicy tomatoes is highly rewarding, and can give you a good supply of tomatoes in the summer, rather than having to buy them from supermarkets.

1. Choose the right tomato. There are many different varieties of tomatoes, and not all of them are well suited for growing in pots. Look for a determinate variety, which means the plant will stay a manageable size and produce all of its fruit at once. Indeterminate varieties grow much taller, requiring more support, and crop through the season, until the first frosts. These can be tried, once you get used to growing the easier determinate tomato varieties.

2. Get a large pot. Tomatoes are vigorous plants and they need a lot of room to grow. A 20 litre pot is a good size, but you can go up to a 40 litre pot if you have the space.

3. Use good soil. Tomatoes are heavy feeders and they need rich, loose soil to do their best. If you're using store-bought potting mix, consider amending it with some compost or other organic matter.

4. Give your plant plenty of light. Tomatoes need at least 6 hours of sunlight per day, so place your pot in a sunny spot. If you don't have a lot of sun, you can supplement with grow lights.

5. Water regularly. Tomato plants need to be watered deeply and evenly, especially when they're fruiting. Water in the morning so the leaves have time to dry out before nightfall.

6. Fertilize regularly. Tomatoes are heavy feeders, so they need regular applications of fertilizer. Look for a fertilizer made specifically for tomatoes, and follow the directions on the package.

7. Stake your plant. As your tomato plant grows, it will become top-heavy and will need support. Stake it with a tomato cage or tie it to a support with soft fabric ties.

8. Prune your plant.Tomatoes produce more fruit if you prune off the lower leaves and suckers. Don't be afraid to trim back the plant to keep it under control.

9. Protect your plant from pests. Tomato plants are susceptible to a variety of pests, including Aphids, and Tomato Hornworms. Watch for signs of pests and treat accordingly, ideally using organic methods.

10. Harvest your fruit. Tomatoes are ripe when they're a deep red colour and have a slight give when you squeeze them. Cut them from the vine with a sharp knife, being careful not to damage the plant.


Tomatoes /  Markus Spiske  - Unsplash