How to grow pumpkins

3rd January, 2022

Pumpkins are a popular vegetable to grow in the home vegetable garden or at allotments. They are easy to grow and can be used in a variety of ways, such as American style sweet pumpkin pies and soups and of course be made into lanterns for Halloween . Growing pumpkins is a great activity for kids, as they can help with all aspects of the process, from planting the seeds to carving the finished product.

If you want to grow pumpkins in your garden, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, pumpkins need plenty of space to grow. They will spread out over a large area, so make sure you have enough room in your garden before planting. Second, pumpkins need a lot of sun and water. They should be planted in an area that gets at least six hours of sunlight per day and watered regularly.

To plant your pumpkin seeds, simply dig a hole in the ground that is twice the size of the seed. Place the seed in the hole and cover it with soil. Water the area well. Once the seedlings emerge, thin them out so that there is only one plant per 2 metres to 4 metres. The pumpkins will grow on a vine, that grows along the ground, so space is needed all around the plant, as it could grow in any direction. Once the pumkins are on the vine, the plant can be fed with a tomato liquid feed once a fortnight, to help make them big and healthy.

Pumpkins will be ready to harvest in about three to four months. To tell if they are ready, simply press your finger into the skin. If it makes a dent, the pumpkin is ready to be picked. Cut the pumpkin from the vine with a sharp knife, being careful not to damage the stem.

Once you have picked your pumpkins, it's time to enjoy them! However, there is no rush, as pumpkins will keep for at least 3 months from the time of harvesting. Some varieties will even last up to 6 months.


Pumpkin / Steffi Pereira - Unsplash